Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Question: Is my blog format too wide for your screen? It is for mine, and I am wondering if I need to change some things to make it fit.

On another, much more important note, it was my birthday yesterday! Yay! I am telling you this not only to solicit late birthday wishes from all of you, but also to let you know what a great day I had yesterday. Ryan woke me up yesterday morning with a wad of cash and a promise to stay home from work. (I believe he has done this every year since we moved out here, so while it's not much of a surprise anymore, it is the best gift he could ever give me). Of course, he doesn't stay home so we can spend time together. He misses work so I can leave, by myself, and go buy things for myself, which is, without a doubt, my very favorite pastime. 

Ever since having kids, I have had very little time away from home alone. And I crave being alone. So I spent my hours all by myself today sauntering around in many of my favorite stores. 

On my way out to Tyson's Corner, where I began my day, I decided that I needed to buy clothes that I can wear as a mom on regular weekdays. Whenever I have a little extra cash, I usually spend it on church or date outfits, as I often gravitate toward nicer-occasion clothing. So I usually wear the same grubby things over and over again during the week.

I started out at Anthropologie and, once I had tried a few things on, I decided on these two pieces:
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Yeah, not exactly everyday wear. OK, I know some fabulous people dress like this everyday... but not me. I just tried it on for fun and really fell in love with the two pieces together. I like the juxtaposition of the angular, striped skirt (which looks so much cuter in person) with the flowy floral top (I loved this on).

Don't worry, I didn't buy them. I was about to spend close to the amount I had to spend for the entire day and then I would be left with nothing else - no shorts and tees and sandals for my everyday life. I did put them on hold though...

Anyway, one of my favorite moments of the day was sitting on the bench with an order of Auntie Anne's Cinnamon Sugar Pretzelsticks and eating every single one of them. I usually have to share them with my kids so this was awesome. I ended up getting a serious stomachache later in the day from all of that sugar. Another favorite moment was taking my time at G-Street Fabrics. I'll post about that a little later.

I ended the day on a sushi date with my hubby. It was delicious and if there is anything I love more than being alone, it is being with him. He is the best.


Taryn said...

oh g street. i miss that place. there are no great fabric store here in orem!

Lincoln and Alisia said...

Well I am going to do it anyway, HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!! Congrats girl! Glad you enjoyed your day. Good thing you didn't have to work out on your birthday :)

mckenzie said...

yeah...sorry. I'm going to change that. I just need to fix the header a bit and I'll have it changed in the next couple of days. do you work on a laptop or desktop?

Kera said...

happy belated :)

Unknown said...

What a great day! I want to hear about what you did buy.

Unknown said...

The sounds like a great way to spend a birthday! Alone time would be awesome :)