Monday, April 18, 2011

Just training for the 5k...

...just kidding. This is more like a late night session of "I wonder if I can still do that." Guess what? I can (with ample spotting by Krysta)! And yes, this is at my church :-).

In real "training for the 5k" news, I ran about a little less than a half mile the other day and told Ryan I couldn't do it. He said I was running too fast - for me, at least. He told me to take shorter strides and keep my body tight. So I might not exactly run a 5k. I plan on trotting that 5k! (no walking though!)


Unknown said...

Try the shuffle jog... worked for me!

mckenzie said...

yeah I can go a lot further when I shuffle. Ryan says I would expend less energy if I took longer strides, but slow and steady works better for me. You can do it!

Julie said...

I'm blacking out!

Suzy Tranter said...

Those pictures are awesome...who cares if you can run a 5k, you can still do a back bend!